2021 is the #EUYearofRail and railways are green. Whether it is BDZ PP, Rhein Cargo, or TX Logistik, it is clear that operators throughout Europe are keen on focusing on the environmentally friendly image of railway transportation. Up next, a (partially) green-themed Bombardier TRAXX AC2 from Hungary:
We thank Stahl Csaba for sharing his pictures with us.
CO2 emission awareness is an important tendency that has become increasingly popular among railway operators across the continent. In Hungary, a passenger choosing rail transport provided by MÁV-Start pollutes the environment with an average of 75 percent less carbon dioxide emissions than those opting for cars.
According to calculations made by natural and social capital advisor Denkstatt Hungary (based on the average data of the last 5 years) each kilometer traveled by rail emitted 45 g of CO2, while the same distance resulted in 176 g of CO2 emissions per passenger.
480 010 on the green road
But back to our werbelock – 480 010 has emerged in a special livery that highlights the environmentally friendly role of railways. The design respects the original blue base of the locomotive, with half the body being given a green accent color, featuring a leaf motif. The MÁV-Start logo itself has also received a green element in the shape of a leaf and there is the slogan Zöld úton járunk which means “On the green road” in English. Black window masks have been applied to the head shields of both cabs and the all-yellow front of the blue cab, which is typical for the TRAXX fleet of MÁV is now missing.
Update 16:54 CET
On 17.02.2021 the locomotive had its ‘maiden run’ with the livery with Ic936 with Ic936 Budapest – Sopron, in Budaörs, Hungary. The image below shows how the green design works nicely with GySEV’s Raabercity passenger cars:
About 480 010 of MÁV Start
- Sub-model: TRAXX P160 AC2;
- NVR-Number: 91 55 0480 010-2 H-MAVTR;
- Factory number: 34942;
- Year built: 2011;
- Previous liveries: The stock MÁV-TRAKCIÓ livery in blue and yellow.
Green tickets
As a step further, starting from 17.02.2021 all printed and electronic train tickets and season passes issued by MÁV-START, will be indicating the actual CO2 emission savings, calculated for the distance they’re covering. This way, passengers will be informed on their contributions to the environment by choosing railway instead of road transportation.
The state operator has also published the following video, which shows the stickering process of the locomotive in detail: