“Sendung mit der Maus” is a beloved and iconic German TV show for children, known for its combination of entertaining and educational content. At the heart of the program are the “Laughing and Learning Stories” (Lach- und Sachgeschichten), which combine fun cartoons with fascinating educational segments about everyday objects and how they work. The show has been airing on Sunday mornings since 1971 and is produced by WDR in collaboration with other ARD broadcasters.
In 1975, the show introduced a cheerful blue elephant as Maus’s sidekick. Despite being smaller than Maus (!), the elephant is strong, curious, spontaneous, and loyal. He announces his entrance with a loud trumpet sound and often laughs when Maus runs into funny mishaps. The combination of humour, knowledge, and adorable characters has made Die Sendung mit der Maus a cherished part of German childhood!
1996: Mouse Train no 1
For its 25th anniversary in 1996, a special “Mouse Train” was created and presented in Cologne. DB locomotive 110 487 and three train cars were decorated with the Mouse (orange), Elephant (blue), and Duck (yellow, luggage car) (Märklin had several models in the past). The train toured Germany, delighting fans in 11 cities before the decorations were removed.
How TRI brought the new “Elephanten Express” locomotive to life
We had the pleasure of asking Maximilian Richter, Managing Partner of TRI Train Rental International, how the delightful idea for the new “Maus” locomotive came to life. Mr. Richter explains:
“While researching the class 110 locomotives, one of our train operators stumbled upon the 1996 promotional campaign. He teamed up with two close colleagues to start an unofficial internal petition. Many employees eagerly signed it, adding their suggestions for which specific locomotive could be used. The petition was then presented to management. It was an unconventional approach but perhaps fitting for a family-run railway company like ours!”
Next, TRI explored the project’s feasibility and contacted the WDR media group, which owns the licensing rights for the iconic characters. In close cooperation with the WDR, everything together: the design, figure placement, and all the little details. Locomotive 110 469, due for a general overhaul, was chosen for wrapping, whose design follows the exact contours as on 110 487 back in the 90s. TRI organised a special photo shoot on January 8th, 2025; just like that, the “Elephant Express” came to life!
Mr. Richter continued: “With all the final technical touches now complete, the locomotive is set to debut in regular operations in Baden-Württemberg and North Rhine-Westphalia starting in February. You can check out more in this lovely WDR video: Elefant bekommt Lok (WDR).”