[design] A TransPennine Express wrapped in rainbows:

There is a new rainbow train on the tracks of Great Britain, this time a TransPennine Express unit. Let’s have a look:

HItachi Rail TPE 802 213 © TransPennine Express

On 22.01.2024, TranSpennine Express unveiled its ‘Unity’ train to kickstart the first-ever ‘TPE Week of Inclusion’. The new stickers on Nova 1 unit no. 802 213 feature the up-to-date Pride Progress Flag on both sides, including a five-striped chevron and a purple circle superimposed over a yellow triangle.

To mark the week, the company also partnered with The Proud Trust, an LGBTQ+ youth charity empowering young people to be proud of who they are.

During ‘TPE Week of Inclusion’, TransPennine Express celebrated diversity and embraced individuality to unite communities.

HItachi Rail TPE 802 213 © TransPennine Express