[data] Railpool and Siemens sign new framework agreement of up to 250 locomotives


No. 158 is not enough. Railpool wants more Siemens locomotives. 20.02.2024, the lease company announced a new frame contract with Siemens for 250 locomotives. Simultaneously, a first call-off order has been placed for 70 machines:

  • 24x Vectron MS for east-west traffic;
  • 46x Vectron AC, primarily for the Scandinavian corridor and the DACH region;

Railpool can order Vectron variants for operation in up to 16 countries and on various European rail corridors (north-south and east-west). Top speeds of 230 km/h are possible. With the new machines, Railpool wants to prepare for the upcoming ETCS network expansion in Europe.

Railpool 6193 156 in December 2023, Munich © Railpool

All Railpool locomotive orders planned:

[locomotive] What does Railpool have on order? New locomotives for 2024-2026 [updated]