An innovative concept from Bombardier at the time, which hasn’t quite come to full fruition: the Flexpanel. An easy way to switch liveries on the side of your (leased) locomotive, without damaging the paint below. Not many have taken full advantage of this concept, however, RheinCargo has now used this system to give its 187 074 a brand-new port-themed look.
On 12.04.2023, Instagrammer IC2005 (Check them out!) caught Rheincargo 187 074 in Neuwied (DE):

RheinCargo has its own fleet of 10 TRAXX AC3 F140 locomotives, which have been delivered from 2016 onward. Read more in the article below:
[DE] Official: RheinCargo purchases 10 new TRAXX AC3s from Bombardier