This article was originally published on 28.02.2023 – and updated on 10.03.2023 and 22.03.2023 (new pictures and information added).
The first production Euro9000 for ELP > Rail Force One made its inaugural appearance at the 2022 edition of InnoTrans, wearing a striking livery designed by Railcolor Design. However, for a good five months after the event, it had seemingly vanished, until now:
On 27.02.2023, Mittelfrankenbahner caught ELP > Rail Force one 2019 302 towed by Lokomotion 185 666 in Würzburg (DE). Where it’s going is currently unknown, but we will keep you updated.

Update 10.03.2023
Destination: Austria! The Euro9000 has been seen testing between Vienna and Schwarzach-St.Veit, where it will be carrying out maximum load tests over the coming weeks. Christian Blumenstein caught ELP > Rail Force One 2019 302 near Böheimkirchen on 09.03.2023:

Christopher Kavassy also caught ELP > Rail Force One 2019 301 with Locomotion 185 551 at Wels Hauptbahnhof on 09.03.2023:

Update 22.03.2023
Meanwhile, load tests have been completed on Austria’s famous Tauernbahn between Schwarzach-St. Veit and Spittal-Millstättersee. The trials were carried out by ELP and locomotion. Kilian Lachenmayr (check out their Instagram!) caught the test convoy consisting of ELP 2019 302, open wagons, an unknown locomotion class 151, and ELP 159 214 on multiple occasions:

More coming soon
The Euro9000 will enter service later in 2023, with authorization in multiple countries being close to being completed. ELP currently has 30 locomotives on order, with a large number due for delivery in 2023 (so stay tuned!). Rail Force One will get three of these locomotives equipped for use in DE-AT-CH-BE-IT-NL. Read more in the article below:
[EU] ELP, RFO, and Stadler: Euro9000 officially launched at Innotrans 2022