Every company dedicated to special liveries on its rolling stock has a certain signature. SETG is undoubtedly easy to recognise. Green and white are always the basis; Colours which are combined with themes that take some time to absorb. The “Jedermann” livery on 193 746 is no exception.
We thank Jürgen Weber, Lukas Felser, and _x_train_agent_ for their nice pictures.

ELL 193 746 is promotes a theatre play: :”Jedermann” (Everyman). This play, about the death of a rich man, is traditionally performed every year at the “Salzburger Festspiele” (Salzburg Festival). It was written by Austrian writer Hugo von Hofmannsthal, who is also the co-founder of the festival.

91 80 6193 746-5 D-ELOC was delivered to ELL in February 2019 and has been hired to SETG for its whole life. It is equipped with the DE-AT-PL-CZ-SK-HU-RO-HR-SI country package.