At the beginning of the year, the CAF Bitrac fleet got a new owner: Beacon Rail. The locomotives are being leased to Captrain España. But something was still missing…until now.
We thank Peio Garcia for sharing this information with us.
That’s right, it’s time for some makeup! Apart from actually being the ‘First Lady’ of the fleet, 601 001 will be also the first locomotive to get the full Captrain livery. The change is already happening in the Spanish city of Constantí and Peio Garcia had the chance to take a picture of it on the 25th of July:

Interestingly, this particular locomotive has not been in commercial use by Captrain yet. Most of the time, it was sidelined. That’s why a more important and technically complex update had to be carried out ‘under-the-hood’ first. Next step: dynamic tests and entry into service, sporting the brand new look.
True, recently other Bitrac locomotives got Captrain logos too; Simple white stickers with logos, not a full new design.
Want to know more about the CAF Bitrac? Check out our previously published summary, including fleet history and current stats of these unique dual modes locomotives:
[ES / Expert] Beacon Rail buys Bitrac locomotives hired to Captrain España [updated]