[IT] This is a Vectron for LocoItalia

This is a Vectron locomotive for Italian ROSCO (ROlling Stock COmpany) LocoItalia. FNM S.p.A. owns 51% of its shares, FuoriMuro Servizi Portuali and Ferroviari S.r.l. (24.5%) and Tenor S.r.l. (24.5%) are the other two stake holders.

In May 2018 LocoItalia announced the acquisition of four Vectron DC and four TRAXX DC3 elctrics – and this is one of the Vectrons, no. 191 103. Dennis Knight was able to capture the white/blue locomotive behind RailAdventure 111 222 in Daglfing (DE)

All locomotives will be outshopped before the summer. Under the same contracts, LocoItalia can decide to add another 15 locomotives to its fleet in the future.

LocoItalia 191 103 in Daglfing on 02.03.2019 – Photo: Dennis Knight