The Stockhornbahn is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. For this occasion BLS locomotive Re 465 016 got a new livery, the ‘Stockhorn’ livery.
The locomotive was presented in this design on 05.05.2018 in Am Erlenbach. The Stockhornbahn is a cable way in the Simmen valley (almost) to the top of the mountain with the same name.
The 465 016 was previously hired to railCare and had the white ‘Black pearl’ livery until the end of 2017. After loosing this design the machine was again running in its blue original BLS livery, that looked quite messy. The large BLS logos on the side for example were missing.

In social media:
Heute hat die #BLS zum 50-Jahr-Jubiläum der Stockhornbahn in Erlenbach/Simmental die BLS-Lok 465-016 auf “Stockhorn“ getauft.
— BLS (@blsAG) May 5, 2018