Lease company Akiem is rapidly expanding its locomotive portfolio with new TRAXX locomotives. Today the first two TRAXX multi system electrics were released by Bombardier that will be homologated for Germany, Austria, Belgium and the Netherlands. These are the designated 186 381 and 382.
The new electrics are part of a batch order for 36 new locomotives in total (TRAXX AC3 + MS2e). Earlier Bombardier already released new TRAXX AC3 (187.5) type locomotives and TRAXX MS2e (186) with other country specific packages:
The newest Akiem TRAXX locomotives, completed so far:
- 186 351-355: DE-AT-PL-NL-CZ-SK-HU > AWT and PSZ are customers
- 186 381-382: DE-AT-BE-NL
- 187 500-507: DE > HSL Logistik and CTL Logistics are customers
- 187 520: DE-AT-HU-RO > CTL Logistics
Unlike the 186 351-355, these two new machines have a silver front in stead of white, and they do not have the red Akiem squares painted onto their side panels. Also relevant: Akiem closed an agreement with HSL Logistik last year for the lease of three DE-AT-BE-NL locomotives, so this German operator will be a customer for the 186 38x.
A full list of Akiem TRAXX MS2e locomotives can be found on