Today, the Hungarian railways presented another 480 series locomotive honoring an historical figure. With a festive ceremony MAV 480 003 was inaugurated with a red and ivory colored wrapping about ‘Szent István’.
Photos and video by Csaba Stahl and László Vécsei

It is another locomotive design in a recent tradition of MAV honoring historical figures from Hungary. It started in 2013. Often the design is the result of design competition. An overview:
- 2013: 480 005 Hunyadi Mátyás
- 2014: 480 004 Gábor Áron
- 2015: 480 007 Rákóczi Ferenc
- 2016: 480 006 Szent Márton
- 2017: 480 003 Szent István
These locomotive are then often used to pull special trains to Şumuleu Ciuc (or Csíksomlyó). It is part of Catholic pilgrimage to this little town in Romania. People go there every year to commemorate a victory of the Catholics over the Protestants dating back to 1567, a happening believed to be a sign of Virgin Mary. Nowadays it is also an event for Hungarian people living in and outside the historical region of Transylvania to demonstrating their spiritual unity. Hence the many Hungarian flags.

Lean more about the MAV TRAXX locomotives on