Alstom has started outshopping Coradia Continental EMUs for the Hessische Landesbahn (HLB). A first train left the factory in Salzgitter (DE) on 31.07.2017. We see a familiar train design in the well-known HLB colors yellow, red and white.
Edmund Gashi was lucky to see such a new train at Straubing on 01.08.2017 and took this picture. He expects that the EMU will soon make its first test runs between Straubing und Plattling.
The Hessische Landesbahn (HLB) ordered thirty such trains from Alstom in 2015. By the end of 2018, these must be operational on the Südhessen-Untermain network, connecting the cities of Wiesbaden, Mainz, Darmstadt, Frankfurt and Aschaffenburg. There will be 3-car (13x) and 4-car (17x) trains.
The livery of the real train is slightly different compared to the artist impression from 2015. Generally, more parts are painted red.