Fresh Railcolor from Spain this time. What you see is the first Euro4000 diesel locomotive in the livery of Medway Logistics, the new name of CP Carga. This Portuguese freight operator has ordered four such locomotives, to be leased from Alpha Trains.
We thank Andres MartinezT for his picture.
It is quite remarkable. Around 2008, Vossloh Rail Vehicles in Albuixech (ES) built a batch of 24 heavy, Iberian gauge, mainline diesel locomotives for lease company Alpha Trains. Nowadays these green and silver locomotives are in use by various freight operators in Spain and Portugal, such as Transfesa, Comsa, Continental Rail, and Logitren.
Now, almost nine years later, Alpha Trains has requested the same factory, now property of Stadler Rail to build new Euro4000s for Iberia once more. Six new machines will be delivered to serve two customers of Alpha Trains: Medway and Ibercargo.
- Around 2008: Alpha Trains 335 003-015, 017, 019-028 (no. 003 is from 2006)
- 2017: Alpha Trains 335 033-036 for Medways contract
- 2017: Alpha Trains 335 037-038 for Ibercargo contract
335 033 alias E5033 alias ‘Matilde’ is the first one of the newbies to get a customer-specific livery. It is now black and yellow sporting the logos of Medway – Transportes e Logística, part of the MSC Group. Medway was originally named Medlog but had to change its name due to legal reasons.