[EU] New livery: Lokomotion 193 773 “150 years Brennereisenbahn”

Blue zebras, red ones, ivory coloured paint. Lokomotion Vectron locomotives were delivered with several different designs. But one machine stood out because it looked, well, naked, unfinished. Unit 193 773 did not get any striping and was commissioned in a black and while livery. Something was missing, and now we know what:

Lokomotion 193 773 in its new outfit coming through in Kufstein on 08.09.2017 – Andreas Kepplinger

Andreas Kepplinger caught the 773 last Friday with his camera in a total new design. One cab in red, one in blue and its side now have stickers celebrating the 150th birthday of the ‘Brennereisenbahn’ (or ‘Brenner railway’ connecting Innsbruck (AT) to Verona (IT)). Do you like it?

And oh, by the way, we still have this beautiful book in our shop about Locomotion, RTC, their locomotives and beautiful mountains capes. It is in German and almost sold out!

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