In 2016 NS ordered its first Coradia Stream trainsets from French Alstom, the first of which entered the Netherlands in late May 2020. The second would follow soon, and it is this unit with which the first test drives are now taking place.
This article was first published on 12.06.2020 and updated on 21.12.2020 – We thank Bas Meijer and Steven Oskam for their reports and pictures.
Unit 3103, which has not yet been handed over to NS, will be running throughout the country from Onnen where is stationed at the moment. It started with some runs in the region, but on the early morning of 11.06.2020 the train came to Amersfoort:

Video: Below you can see it speeding up, back on its way to Onnen. Interestingly, the unit now has a (temporary) set number on its nose: ‘602003’.
Update 21.06.2020: Daylight tests