Below you see the first modernized SBB Re 460 series locomotive released in 2018; No. 460 103 is ready for another 20 years of service. Its body got a check-up, all its electronics have been updated, some fresh cabling, brand new IGBT convertors were installed and a of course some fresh paint was applied.

In August 2017 we reported about the SBB 460 series modernisation project. With the 460 103 now 17 locomotives got the full treatment, and its the 6th machine with the new IGBTs (5 serie, 1 prototype):
But we care about the details, and that brings us to the reason to make this update. In October 2017 SBB officially presented the modernised 460 117 to the press, being the first locomotive in series modernisation with IGBT convertors. What caught our eye was a metallic 3D logo on its front:

At the day of the presentation the 117 got this plastic logo put on its front provisorily. But recent images show that the logo is there to stay, making the 117 unique in its appearance, so far we know.