Recently, Bemo Rail has been awarded the order of Tata Steel to convert 3 GE locs into a modern version, with particular attention to exhaust gas and noise emissions and reducing maintenance. The upgraded locomotives will be equipped with the cab and diesel generator units (DGUs). The diesel engine follows the strict EU Stage IV emission standard, which also reduces NOx emissions.
The choice for separate DGUs has the advantage that they can be exchanged with additional (ordered) sets quickly. The maintenance of the DGUs can then be carried out at a later stage, so that for maintenance the locos do not have to be put out of service.

Particular to this assignment is that construction starts at Tata Steel. Following the Bemo design changes Tata Technical Service (HTD) will modify and paint the existing frames and truck sets accordingly, so the frame will match new superstructures. In the meantime Bemo will design and construct the new cab and DGU’s. When base frames are ready at Tata, they will be shipped to Bemo workshop in Warmenhuizen. From that point, Bemo Rail will start to assemble cab and DGU’s onto the frames at our workshop. It is expected that the first ‘new’ locomotive will return to Tata Steel in spring 2018.
Amongst for this project, we have increased our crane capacity from 45 to 100t. So from now on we can also handle all the heavy 4-axis locos.