In November 2023, VR Group closed its livery of the future design competition. Everyone had the opportunity to develop ideas for a new standard design of all VR Group’s passenger trains to make them stand out more against the Finnish incumbent operator’s future competition.
This article was first published on 07.01.2024 and was updated on 03.05.2024.
On 18.12.2023, VR and Ornamo, a design experts’ organisation, chose Aimo Katajamäki’s Green Steam design from 186 different entries:

There was also a public voting. Over 20,000 people voted, and Polina Rogova’s ‘Suomen metsä’ (Finnish Forest) won:

2x Update 03.05.2024: First application

That same day, VR IC 23 was seen with coach Ed 28001 = FI-VR 50 10 2697 001 in the new design: