On 30.12.2022, the Dutch ‘Inspectie voor Leefomgeving en Transport’ (ILT) officially approved the new Alstom Coradia Stream / NS ICNG trains for commercial service. An essential step in the lengthy process of getting these new intercity trains running.
On 06.12.2022, Railcolor News wrote that NS could not put the ICNGs in ‘passenger test service’, initially scheduled for the end of that year. The new authorisation does mean that the latest plan to have the trains in commercial service by the summer of 2023 will be feasible. They will start on Breda – Amsterdam via the high-speed line between Breda – Rotterdam and Rotterdam – Amsterdam.
The authorization for the 5-car ICNG units was published on ERA TV (the European Register of Authorised Types of Vehicles) on 13.01.2023. The 8-car trains followed on 20.01.2023.
‘Intercity Nieuwe Generatie’ – the book