PKP Cargo is celebrating its 20th anniversary, and PKP Cargo International (PKPCI) is celebrating its 70th (!?). But wasn’t PKPCI created only three years ago? Well, you have to use a bit of imagination here. It started with coal mining company OKR – Doprava, founded in 1952. Later it changed its name to OKD Doprava and then to AWT. In 2019 AWT became the international brand of PKP Cargo, PKP Cargo International. And as we have the year 2022, it’s the 70th birthday of this company – an occasion worth a special livery.

183 719 now sports a big ’70’, a steam locomotive and a PKPCI Vectron locomotive. Under the sides of drivers’ cabs is a blue map with countries of operation of PKPCI (Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, and Slovenia).