It is still ‘factory-white’ and only sports small ELP logos on its cabs sides. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be put into operation. Boxtango is another new customer for leasing company ELP. Boxtango is a German logistics company, active since 2011. It does not yet have its own permits to act as a rail operator, so it has subcontracted HSL Logistik to operate its trains.
Railcolor News thanks Tom N. Wascher for sharing his nice picture of the locomotive. Note: we previously wrote that HSL Logistik was leasing the locomotives directly, which was incorrect.
Boxtango is leasing locomotive 159 206 (NVR: 90 80 2159 206-2 D-RCM). Exterior-wise it still lacks something important: a livery. Of course, this doesn’t prevent it from driving its first trains. Only two subtle blue ELP logos have bene applied so far.
Tom N. Wascher caught it with a lumber service in Wismar. Enjoy the view:

The new EuroDuals caught in action on Railcolor News
With so many EuroDuals out recently, Railcolor News is making a coverage of their very first trains. We already introduced you to the following ones (and yes, stay tuned for more):
- First came the HVLE ones (and they are different);
- Captrain’s EuroDual can also be seen in action on our website;
- BSAS / M.A.D.’s 158 208 is already on Railcolor News as well;
- You are here: This article shows 159 206, hired to Boxtango > HSL Logistik;
- Up next: HHPI’s EuroDuals.
And while pictures in action are certainly the most interesting part to see, there are all these background details – for example: Who is hiring all the ELP locomotives now?
Send us your pictures
You have a nice picture of this or any other new locomotive you’d like to share? Don’t be shy and send it to us – we’ll be happy to add it to the article and share it with the world!