To be honest, it currently does feel a bit weird to publish news about trains and locomotives; It is hard to find relevance in the things you do on a daily basis when communities, cities, even whole countries are shutting down, in order to get a grip on the COVID-19-pandemic that is hitting us hard.
We just want to say we respect all people that right now that have to work hard to keep the basic structures of our societies going, especially our health professionals, and of course those that work in ‘our industry’, transportation. We also hope you and your loved ones are fine, and that it will stay this way. When wish you all the strength to go through it. With enough respect and calmness, it should be possible.
A very concrete result of the COVID-19-crisis is shown in the picture below. The Czech Republic has closed its borders yesterday, which made several companies with rolling stock at the VUZ Velim test center decide to ‘evacuate’ their trains and take them to Germany.
RailAdventure 183 500 with Siemens 193 901, 193 970, and 193 819. In the back, you see a CAF DMU for the UK, for the West Midlands franchise. Seen on 13.03.2020 in Praha-Kyje on its way to Bad Schandau: