On March 29, festivities were held in Genoa to celebrate the freshly formed cooperation between FNM and FuoriMuro. By investing EUR 1.3 million, the former took a 49% share in FuoriMuro. Also, the incorporation of a new company was announced: LocoItalia.
Italian rail freight operator FuoriMuro Servizi Portuali e Ferroviari S.r.l. was founded in March 2010 as a successor of the defunct SerFer subsidiary Servizi Ferroviari Portuali – Ferport S.r.l.. FuoriMuro took over the latter’s staff and locomotives, as well as its shunting activities in the Port of Genoa. Finalized on March 31, FNM S.p.A. now has a 49% share in FuoriMuro, which it may expand to 70%. The remaining 51% are held by InRail S.p.A. (20.4%) and Tenor S.r.l. (30.6%).
For FNM, the deal is part of its strategic plan for the period 2016-2020. This strategy aims to improve logistics in the northwestern part of Italy and to enhance the position of rail freight in hinterland transport from Ligurian ports. Especially the development of intermodal traffic between the Ligurian ports, inland ports situated along the river Po and inland/international terminal destinations is an important point of focus.

At the festivities, FuoriMuro president Guido Porta also announced the incorporation of a new company, named LocoItalia S.r.l., which acts as an in-house rolling stock company, focusing on the acquisition and lease of rolling stock. It has been created with the specific purpose of separating vehicle ownership and operations. Besides several loco tractors, LocoItalia has assumed ownership of FuoriMuro’s two Vectron DC locomotives (191 002-003) and its five LHB-built shunters (509-511, 526, 537).
Learn more about FuoriMuro’s Vectron locomotives on Railcolor.net.