Official Press statement of Vossloh
Vossloh Locomotives in Kiel, subsidiary of Vossloh AG, signed a contract for the delivery of 44 DE18 diesel-electric locomotives with French company Akiem S.A.S. Akiem is one of the leading leasing firms for rail vehicles in Europe. The volume of the order amounts to about €140 million.
The locomotives for Akiem will be produced at the new Vossloh Locomotives location in Kiel Suchsdorf and shipped from 2018 onwards. In addition to the relocation of the production site, the order supports the improvement in the revenue and earnings power of Vossloh Locomotives, which had already been presumed in the planning.
Dr.h.c. Hans M. Schabert, Chairman of the Executive Board of Vossloh AG: “The order is a great sales success for Vossloh Locomotives and provides our new location in Kiel Suchsdorf with a very good basic capacity utilization for several years. We will move into the new facilities starting in fall of 2016.” Thomas Schwichtenberg, Managing Director at Vossloh Locomotives adds: “We are very pleased with the confidence Akiem has shown in us and with this major order, which proves that our locomotives are top performers.”
Vossloh Locomotives is part of Vossloh’s Transportation division. In the course of its strategic focus on the rail infrastructure business, which was agreed in 2014 and has been pursued consistently since then, the Group intends to sell the activities of the business area or to transfer them into suitable partnerships by end of 2017 at the latest in order to open up the growth perspectives that are specific for the vehicle business.

The Akiem deal with Vossloh follows shortly after another big frame contract signed with Bombardier for up to 52 TRAXX locomotives. Also the number of TRAXX DC locomotives on order from Bombardier in Italy was recently raised.
Learn about previously delivered DE18 locomotives here.