A small event last Sunday, organised by the Dutch railways (NS): a line-up of the four generations of NS ‘Sprinter’ trains. The happening took place in Amersfoort, where 15 selected rail fans could take as many pictures as they wanted.
In the picture below you see four generations of EMUs used for urban and regional services across the country. The ‘Sprinter’ name was first introduced in the 70s, back then being the official brand name of the then new SGM EMUs.
Stadsgewestelijk Materieel (SGM) – the original
Nowadays the ‘Sprinter’ name has become a train category on its own – with its own livery in white, blue and yellow. The SGMs have been modernised and repainted. One such train can be seen on the right in the picture below.
Sprinter Lighttrain (SLT)
In the 00s Bombardier and Siemens delivered 131 new ‘SLT’ EMUs – trains that are currently receiving an update during which toilets are being installed, and many features are upgraded to increase the comfort for people with reduced mobility.

Stadler Rail FLIRT
The third train from the right is the FLIRT. 58 such EMUs were delivered in 2016 and 2017 – A quick solution to linder rolling stock shortage, offered by Swiss manufacturer Stadler Rail.

Sprinter Nieuwe Generatie (SNG) by CAF
The official reason for the event being held is the imminent introduction of the fourth and newest generation of Sprinter EMUs: the Sprinter Nieuwe Generatie (SNG) currently being produced by Spanish rolling stock manufacturer CAF. Next December the first units will enter revenue service between The Hague and Haarlem. 118 units have been ordered.

And well, it looks like all participants had a fun day!