[SE] LKAB: The rainbow ore freight car


Somewhere over the rainbow, way up north… LKAB now has one very colourful freight car for ore transport. ‘4678’ was released yesterday from the paint shop:

LKAB ore car in rainbow design © Christoph Domay

The colourful ore car symbolises LKAB’s major initiative to be an even more welcoming company:

“To fuel our innovation and competitiveness we aim to attract the best talent, so it’s crucial that everyone – regardless of origin, religion or gender identity – feels at home here,” says Maria Reinholdsson, Senior Vice President HR at LKAB.


“Having ordered a hundred new Fanoo wagons, we decided to make a statement by painting the first car produced in rainbow colours,” says Catarina Albertsson.

LKAB ore car in rainbow design © Christoph Domay

The news follows shortly after the largest ‘Werbelok.’ in Europe started its career:

LKAB IORE 107+117 on 29.09.2023 in Stenbacken © Christoph Domay
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