The Siemens-built 390 001 (E 189-845) has a new design. The EuroSprinter is now part of the fleet of ZOS Zvolen, which has given the locomotive its corporate colors.
In 2011, Siemens outshopped this locomotive with EVN 91 80 6189 845-1 D-PCW, with Prüfcenter Wegberg-Wildenrath as vehicle keeper. The locomotive was part of a batch of locomotives of this type Siemens built speculatively while looking for buyers. 189 840-844, for example, ended up with MRCE.
189 845 was the only one sold to Express Rail from Bratislava (in 2012) and entered service as 91 56 6390 001-6 SK-EXRA. It kept its white livery and got the name “Zuzana”. The owner changed its name to Express Group in 2014, and the logos on the locomotive changed accordingly. In the last couple of years, the machine was seen hauling freight trains for Metrans.
Earlier this year, the Express Group logos were removed, and recently got a new owner, ZOS Zvolen from Slovakia, which gave it a new design, see the picture below. The locomotive now operates for Lokotrain, a member of EP Holding.