LTE’s third Vectron, 193 957, has been out for some time now. This photo article shows the loco at work in Slovenia’s Kresnice station where it recently met two other trains in the opposite direction.
We thank Miško Kranjec (check out his website) for his photo submission.

The slogan “40 trucks, one train” clearly refers to green transport on rails. But even green trains need to wait for green signals sometimes. In many cases, this means that there is another train coming from the opposite direction. On 14.04.2022, LTE’s Vectron 193 957 was stopped at a siding at Kresnice in Slovenia, a small station 20 km east of Slovenian capital Ljubljana. This resulted in two meetings with other rolling stock, which Miško Kranjec caught on camera.

First, we have a combo with SŽ KISS EMU (313-017/018), heading eastward to the border station of Dobova:

And then there was the Innofreight-branded SŽ 541-002 (which recently got a design update) with RockTainer ORE cars loaded with titanium dioxide or on its way from the Port of Koper to the titanium oxide plant Cinkarna in Celje:

The LTE Vectron was hauling a Koper-bound container train from Hungary. Notice the green containers which match nicely with the loco’s distinctive livery, as well as the old (1929) lime factory 1929 in the background.

At Railcolor News we aim for completeness by trying to cover all European modern railway vehicles and this post is a perfect example of that. Find detailed info and stats about the depicted two locos and EMU in the articles below. And remember to get an Expert subscription, while you’re at it.
[SI / Expert] Innofreight in the picture: Design update on SŽ 541 002