[DE] The rainbow is dead, long live the rainbow!


As mentioned in our monthly updates on passenger trains, just before Christmas 2021, ICE3 set 304 “Munchen” lost two coaches (403 022 and 403 104) to ICE3-set 310. Nothing special, right? Well, set 304, was the railbow ICE, supporting equal rights for the LGBTIQ-community – the coaches lost their special striping.

But the rainbow isn’t dead, it’s alive. 304 is back in its new formation (403 026 – 403 110 – 403 204 – 403 304 – 403 804 – 403 704 – 403 604 – 403 504) with rainbow-striping. And Christian Klotz caught the set with his camera near Espenau-Mönchehof on Monday 28.02.2022 to prove it.

The rainbow ICE3 sighted near Espenau-Mönchehof – © Christian Klotz