As mentioned in our monthly updates on passenger trains, just before Christmas 2021, ICE3 set 304 “Munchen” lost two coaches (403 022 and 403 104) to ICE3-set 310. Nothing special, right? Well, set 304, was the railbow ICE, supporting equal rights for the LGBTIQ-community – the coaches lost their special striping.
But the rainbow isn’t dead, it’s alive. 304 is back in its new formation (403 026 – 403 110 – 403 204 – 403 304 – 403 804 – 403 704 – 403 604 – 403 504) with rainbow-striping. And Christian Klotz caught the set with his camera near Espenau-Mönchehof on Monday 28.02.2022 to prove it.