Our Expert subscribers were the first ones to learn about it: Hungarian freight operator Gysev Cargo recently acquired a former Siemens testbed Vectron locomotive. We bring you a visual.
We thank Bereczki Csaba for letting us feature his nice photos. The article was originally published on 31.10.2019 and updated on 01.11.2019 (more pictures added).
Update 01.11.2019: We first showed you a picture of the locomotive at night. Now, it’s time to see some daytime impressions, showing it both ends. Bonus: panto up! The pictures were once again taken by Csaba Bereczki in Sopron:
Built in 2018, 193 837 was initially used for trial runs by siemens, many of which took place at the VUZ Velim test center in the Czech Republic. Now, the Siemens stock livery has been replaced by the one of Hungarian operator Gysev which is the new owner of the locomotive. What’s more, it is wearing the “Gysev Cargo” logo, which means we will be seeing it in freight operation.
On 28.10.2019 the locomotive arrived in Sopron (HU), where Bereczki Csaba managed to spot it with his camera:

Throwback Thursday
And since it’s Thursday, let’s have a throwback at what the locomotive looked like in it’s ‘previous life’. On the picture below, it is seen accompanied by RailAdventure’s 139 558 in Großpürschütz (DE) back in August of 2018: