It could be a quick photoshop job, but it is not. Deutsche Bahn has replaced the red striping on two its ICE trains with green lines. It is one of many (there are 112!) ‘green projects’ DB is currently promoting under its “Das ist grün” label.
The title photo in this artcile shows unit 412 012 – which is the ICE4 in this new design. The other is a ICE3 trainset (with front cars 403 019 and 514) that was first seen during the opening ceremony of the new ‘CO2 neutral’ ICE maintenance facility at in Köln-Nippes.

But wait, wasn’t there a green-lined ICE before? Yes, for the ‘Train to Bonn’ project Deutsche Bahn also restyled a ICE2 train for a promo tour to Bonn on 04.11.2017. Some carriages however kept their red lines though.

Update 07.03.2018