Hey, another hydrogen train project in Europe. Not as ambitious as the iLint from Alstom, but it is a step. Spanish train operator Renfe, Alstom, Enagás, Audigna/Hidrógena and Nertatec are going to install a hydrogen fuelled propulsion syste in an old Feve motorcar (3400 series). Its purpose? Create a rail vehicle with reduced emissions and that gets its energy from (at least) 70% renewable sources.
A former Feve (now Renfe) railcar will be test bed vehicle, to be equipped with hydrogen fuel tanks, batteries and supercapacitors. This R&D&I project will explore the technical feasibility of hydrogen propulsion on the Spanish rail network. The project also includes a fuel supply system, as well as regulations and procedures for traffic monitoring. A life cycle analysis will be made.
The project, with a budget of 2.6 million euro, is part of the LIFE program of the European Union, a financial instrument for environment projects for the period 2014-2020.