The new PKP IC management team, appointed in march 2016, has developed a new roadmap for the purchase of modern rolling stock. The operator wants to spend over one billion zlotys on new trains, which PKP SA has capitalized after selling of PKP Energetyka.

Firstly it is planned to buy 40 new electric locomotives with a top speed of 160 kph for PKP IC. It’s quite a revolution. During the past years, PKP IC focused only on the refurbishment of existing locomotives. The last contract for new electrics was signed in 2008. Then PKP IC ordered ten Siemens ES64U4 locomotives in multi-system configuration. These are now being used for the more prestegious trains towards Germany and the Czech Republic, among others.

The new machines can become the new core of PKP IC’s long distance locomotive fleet for domestic services. And they are needed. Loco hauled trains on inland connections are still the exclusive domain of old types of machines, which can not go on forever.

A tender should be announced later this year. Making it possible to introduce the first locomotives in 2019. Manufacturers will have enough time to realize the contract. Obviously, Newag and Pesa Bygdoszcz from Poland, which are offering products like Griffin and Gama respectivily, will be strong contestants. From abroad, Bombardier, Siemens and Skoda can compete with the Polish producers.