Here you can order your all-access membership(s) for is your magazine for new rolling stock made in Europe. We provide you with the latest news and backgrounds straight from the industry - directly to your email inbox.

60-day Money Back Guarantee

We refund until 60 days after the payment. It is a simple policy we put in place to ensure that you like the data and insights that you receive from us. If we are not the best possible match for your needs, then we return your investment to you.

How does it work?

After placing the order, you get instant access. Check your email inbox for instructions.

Private customers: Your payment is processed one week after you place your order. The first week is a test period. For business customers the trial period is 1 month.

=> After 3/12 months, your subscription renews automatically. CYBERMONDAY = no automatic renewal

=> If you have questions and/or remarks, feel free to send us an emailWe react as soon as possible.

What will I get?

On this page you buy all access memberships to, our website. You get instant access to all our content, including all articles behind the paywall - Expert articles have a [Data] or [Expert] label.

  • 12 months of news = 1,000+ articles

We bring you all the latest news about new trains from Europe, illustrated, for a period of 6/12 months. We produce over 1.000 articles per year.

These offer you a complete and comprehensive overview of all new locomotives and trains ordered and produced by (mainly) European rolling stock manufacturers. We visit factories, attend presentations and reveal the newest designs exclusively to you.

  • Email notifications

You don't have to visit our website daily to stay up to date. Every publication will also be send to you email inbox. Complete information delivered to your doorstep.

  • Access to our locopedia

We are constantly expanding our locomotive data encyclopedia - here we collect and summarise all the information we have published since 2001 (yes Railolor is 20+ years old!) An all access subscription includes access to this Locopedia.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Railcolor News Expert?

Railcolor writes in English about ALL the new trains built by the European railway industry. Our categories are locomotives, passenger trains, (super) high speed, and loco-hauled rolling stock. We focus on publishing detailed and well-structured information on ALL mainline rolling stock products by Alstom, Bombardier, CZ Loko, CAF, Gmeinder, Hitachi, Newag, Pesa, Siemens, Škoda, Stadler Rail, Vossloh. Incidentally Railcolor reports on products of other manufacturers that have significance for the development og the European rolling stock market.

How much does the Expert subscription cost?

A subscription for a 1-year period costs €35 per year. If you want to be more careful, there is also a 3-month subscription (€14.95 per 3 months) and a monthly version (€6.95 per month).

What do I get as an Expert subscriber?

In 1 year, we easily publish more than a 1.000 online articles on the newest trains in Europe. Unique information about locomotives, always illustrated and with high quality pictures. All the new models, all the new liveries, in simple overviews, illustrated, and we deliver them to your doorstep: -> email notifications We write in English. We publish our news chronologically on and we will send you 2 emails per week with all new publications. -> access to our locopedia We are constantly expanding our locomotive data encyclopedia - here we collect and summarize all the information we have published on one specific locomotive type since 2001. A one-year subscription gives access to all pages.

How do I cancel?

Not satisfied? No worries. You can cancel anytime. Just send an e-mail to and/or For the 1-year and 3-month subscriptions there is a 7-day period between ordering and paying, so if you cancel in your first 7 days, nothing will be charged. There is also the 60-day money back guarantee, which means that during the first 60 days after you placed you initial order, and you are unhappy, we are obliged to return your payment. Once the 60-day period is over you can cancel only the payment for the next billing cycle. I.e. for the next year on a 1-year subscription, for the next 3 months on a 3-month subscription, or for the next month for a monthly subscription. In other words: once you cancel your subscription you will not be billed for the next year / 6 months / next month, depending on the plan you chose upon subscribing.

Why is Railcolor subscription based?

There are two simple reasons: Railcolor News is a fulltime project which requires a lot of research and dedication. This can not be done without your (relatively small, less than 3 euro/month!) contribution. Secondly, we believe that quality goes hand in hand with a good design - no disrupting ad campigns, annyoing pop-ups, etc. Our trains need to shine!

But I can find similar info on other websites, right?

Yes and no. We are highly specialised in locomotive data and news. Our detailed reports are unique online. But true, part of the information is also available on other websites, but our articles are always illustrated, well-organised and we notify you when news is online. When you are interested in new rolling stock - we are a one-stop-shop and deliver our news and data to your doorstep.

How do I change my subscription type?

At this moment you can not do this yourself. We will do this for you. Just sent an email to and we will help you out.

I lost my password - How do I change my password?

Go to the login page on this website - click 'forgot password' and follow the required steps. A new password will arrive per email.


A subscription for a 1-year period costs €35 per year. If you want to be more careful, there is also a 3-month subscription (€14.95 per 3 months) and a monthly version (€6.95 per month).